July 28, 2007

Got Milk?

One of my favorite treats on Saturday morning is drinking ice cold milk.

Here I am enjoying mi leche:


Peanut said...

Hmm I've never had milk. Might have to see if I can get mom to give me some.

Rose said...

The last time we had milk it was fresh from our doggie mom when we were puppies. It looks delicious! We are going to ask our folks for some ice cold milk on one of these hot and humid days. Good ideal:)
Rusty & Smoky

Duke said...

Gee, I've never had a glass of milk before - just a few licks of the last of mom's cereal - and that's not much!

Love ya lots,

Ruby Bleu said...

Wow...I've never had milk...looks good tho. It does kinda look a little like the vanilla ice cream juice that's in the bottom of the bowl...hmmm....wonder if they taste the same???

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Texas's Mum said...

Hi Cairo,
Nice lapping action I like
your style.

Love and Licks
Texas (and his humans).

Juno said...

Hi Cairo! I've tagged you! Please come by my blog when you get a chance!

Momo xoxo

Anonymous said...

Cario, you are always so darn cute!! I just want to kiss your face when your drinking that milk!! We love you!!
Charlie, Coco and their Mom

Amstaffie said...

Cario... you're still as cool as ever!!!!

The Roseville Area Corgi Play Group said...

We found your blog through BlogCatalog and thought we'd say hi!

You're a very good lookin' Boxer!

Visit us sometime?


Ferndoggle said...

Cairo, hope you don't get the typical Boxer response to dairy!! It sends my folks running for the hills!!


Deanna said...


You are so cute!

Emily and Ike said...

Don't you get the runzzzzzzz?

Isabella said...

You are supposed to have cookies with your milk! Or donuts- those are good, too.
Big Wags,

IndyPindy said...

Hey, you are a bilingual Boxer, how cool! I like milk but I can't drink it, it upsets my tummy. You are so lucky!

Liza said...

Those humans need to get you a bowl!!

I like milk too but usually with a little coffee thrown in!

Have a happy day - Dory and Mac

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Milk keeps your bones strong so you are good to drink yours. We don't get milk. Mom is the stingiest about giving us people food. Lack of milk probably stunted our growth.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Cairo! Wow, I see Karl's comment just before mine, *giggle*. He has issued a wonderful challenge to the Cat Blogosphere -- for all of us kitties to go make a new friend of a different species!

You look like such a nice doggie, and my human Mom loves boxers -- she grew up with a boxer, and he was a special friend to her. So I'd love for you and I to be special friends! If you'd like to have me as your special kitty friend, please come and leave a comment on my blog. I'll put your picture on my blog as my special friend, and we can enjoy some nice chats -- both woofs and meows -- together!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Bella the Boxer said...

Yummmy...have you convinced your folks that ice cream is just another version of milk?

xoxo - Bella

Anonymous said...

Yay, I'm so happy to have you as my special friend, Cairo! I did a special post about you on my blog today, to introduce you to my other friends -- go check it out when you can!

Big happy purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

Hello Cairo,
I'm visiting because Marilyn introduced you as her NMSS Friend. You're a very handsome dog. Has anyone told you that you look a little bit like Regis Philbin?
Mickey Mantle

Anonymous said...

Hi, dear Cairo! Awwww, I see my darling Mickeybear commented just above me. He's my special mancat!

I just wanted to check in with you, my friend, and say that I hope you are having a wonderful day!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

I received an email from Jennifer at Dogs n Us Community inviting me to join their community. They had already added my blog, without asking, without my approval. I see that your blog is also listed on this site. I am sking you to email them at jennifer@dogsnus.com and tell them to remove your blog from their site. This is a blatant rip off of our Dogs With Blogs Community and I for one do not appreciate it.

Bussie Kissies

Asta said...

thank you for telling me..that is vewy sad news indeed..my MOmmi called your grwampawents..we're very sad ..you'll have to give them extra special love and kisses