May 30, 2007


May 21, 2007

What I've Been Up To...

I've been spending a lot of time at my grandparents' house lately. Mom and Dad said I couldn't stay home alone because people are doing work in the backyard. Something about gutter cleanings and termite inspections...

At my grandparents' house I am really spoiled. They let me eat lots of yogurt.

Then they dress me up as Bulgarian peasant.

Rocky and I chill out on their fancy couch.

After a long day of eating and playing we crash together.

I promise to have more videos up soon!

May 07, 2007


My pal Cassidy came over this past weekend. She's almost one year old now! She is almost as big as me now, but I still dominate her in a wrestling match. She's got me beat at tug of war though...